Darul Khair Center, Stouffville is a registered Canadian Charity. The Charity’s registration no. is 81217 3201 RR0001
Town of Stouffville, Ontario was established in 1804. It is a beautiful small isolated town located about 50 km north of City of Toronto connected via Highway 404 and Highway 48. Its current population is about 40,000 and it is the second fastest growing town in Ontario with an expected growth of 60,000 residents in coming years. Over the past few years, Muslims have started moving rapidly to this town and in 2016 Syrian refugee families started living here too.

Darul Khair Center, Stouffville had a humble beginning like many Islamic Organization of Greater Toronto. As Muslims started moving to this quiet suburb around 2008-2009, most of the community members felt the need for a place to pray and unite with the community. Muslim brothers would often gather in a brother’s house and pray once a week in congregation. However, a week before Ramadan in 2009 some brothers decided to rent a place on Main Street just for the month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, with the support of the few dedicated members of the Stouffville Muslim community we were able to rent the unit and establish Darul Khair Center to facilitate the increasing religious needs of many new comers who were moving of this Town. Now, we have about 150 Muslims families in this small town. Hence, our community is growing and so are our need to have a bigger facility.
Our Vision
To make Islam more meaningful in modern Canadian Society based on the teachings of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) for the generations to come
Our Mission
We aim to attain the pleasure of Allah (SWT) by embracing the commandments of Islam and practices of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) in our daily life. This could be achieved through proper knowledge of Islam.
Our Center (Musallah)
The property purchased in 2017 is located at unit 36, 86 Ringwood Drive,
Stouffville, Ontario. The new unit has two separate entrances. In 2019 adjacent
unit 34 was purchased to add more space. Alhamdulillah, these two units facilitate all families living in Stouffville and vicinity for their religious, educational and
community needs.
Our Growth
Due to the influx of Muslim families in Stouffville and to facilitate the increasing
religious needs of many newcomers who were moving of this Town. We have
purchased a property located in Stouffville to establish the First Islamic Center in
Stouffville. Our community is growing and so are our need to have a bigger
facility. The new Islamic center will have a 6100 sq. ft. of building space, on a
land of 26000 sq.ft with ample parking spaces.
Once established, Darulkhair Center will be the first and the only largest
Islamic Centre in the Town of Stouffville with huge future potential.